What I learnt from Tim Ferris

Tim Ferris has a new book circulating around “tools of titan” and on one of his videos which he was promoting online talked about “Journalising” each morning.

Well, being a practical person. I jumped to the idea. It’s based on the 5 minute Journal idea except that I don’t do the evening/night section.

Here is an example

26/01/17 journal
1. today is a public holiday
2. woke up refreshed
3. free today to do what I want

I only focus on what I want
3 things
1. complete ad project 
2. have fun approaching girls on the street 
3. stick to diet

25/01/17 journal

1. my team leader position which brings benefits and challenges
2. the weather that is so refreshing
3. my brother and myself committed to master mind.
I focus on the process and nothing else.
3 things
1. add more content to ad project 
2. detail structure of all 5 points
3. ask question on fb. Any gambits to transition to hand holding
24/01/17 journal
1. comparing Monday that work is peaceful from last friday
2. I weigh 77.3kg
3. that I’m surrounded by great pua’s
I let girls know that I’m interested and feel comfortable with flirting
3 things
1. place content on usb stick with options
2. practice 3 sets at home and review video of Francesca
3. wim hoff
23/01/17 journal
1. I have direction and new areas to improve with w7nye dting
2. my game is slowly becoming natural
3. found another way to record
I'm a s3xl guy that shows a girl what I want.
3 things
1. ballpoints to remember what to say in conversation
2. wim hoff
3. stick to diet
22/01/17 journal
1. that I have the opportunity to live close to darling harbour
2. I have wings that are available to daygame with
3. i'm a great guy looking for a great girl
I'm a sexual guy that shows a girl what I want.
3 things
1. practice daygame and doing it solo
2. record another video
3. cold showers and wim hoff
21/01/17 journal
1. I lost weight despite eating chocolate and 4 kievs
2. I had a great sleep
3. FInished my tasks of ad project and now awaiting for charlie to post to google
One step, one word and one date at a time
3 things
1. get 3 good interactions with girls on video showing great tonality and mutual teasing and chasing
2. have fun doing it
3. wim hof and cold showers
20/01/17 journal
1. Have the weekend to practice game
2. I have the opportunity for greatness
3. Arrived on time to work
One step, one word and one date at a time
3 things
1. Finish articles on wordpress
2. wim hoff
3. diet
19/01/17 journal
1. lost 0.6kg
2. good sleep
3. practice but your single
I'm a good guy that deserves a good fi
3 things
1. approach a few sets and practice with your single
2. stick with diet
3. complete hoff
18/01/17 journal
1. lost 1.8kg
2. good sleep
3. completing wim hoff
I'm a good guy that deseves a good fi
3 things
1. approach a few sets and practice with your single
2. stick with diet
3. complete hoff
17/01/17 journal
5 minute journal
-woke up on time
-greeted by staff
Things to do
-get remote/fob battery
-practice “but you’re sngle”
-wim hoff exercises
-I’m a gr8t guy who d3serves a grat girl
16/01/17 journal
5 minute
great sleep
less aches and pains
got to work on time
things that would be great today
stick with diet
complete swcrt issue
continue with wim hoff
how can I improve my game

All I can say is that it’s great, and keeps me on track.